Mission Statement
If you click the above link you can see the way that our mission statement is displayed around school. We have deliberately overlaid the rather wordy full mission statement (which you can see below) with the much simpler child friendly (many would argue, more effective and relevant) version, which children helped us to create.
This is to be achieved:
By the school working in partnership with parents in the education of their children in accordance with the teachings of the Catholic Church;
Through the prayer and faith of the pupils, staff, families and parish community;
By a dedicated and committed staff striving to provide the highest standards of education.
The following basic Christian principles underlie the school’s purpose:
All human beings are of equal value in the eyes of God and should command mutual respect in thought, word and deed;
An individual’s talents should be given every possible opportunity to be developed and shared;
Christian charity and fairness to one another should be reflected in the actions of all members of the school community.
For our pupils: 'Our job is to love and care for each other as Jesus taught us'
General Aims
1. To educate each child as a whole person, by stimulating and encouraging every child's many and diverse interests through the provision of a variety of experiences.
2. To help each child to acquire knowledge, skills and practical abilities.
3. To foster an appreciation of the arts and sciences, and of human achievements connected with these.
4. To help every child to want to use their knowledge and skills for their own enjoyment, to further their own interests, and to make a useful contribution to society.
5. To develop in every child a sense of self-respect, self-motivation and independence.
6. To help every child to recognise their place and their responsibilities to the society in which they live, to acquire tolerance and respect, and a set of values and beliefs.